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As some Welsh businesses face higher business rates from this month, CAMRA is calling for specific measures to help save Welsh pubs from extinction.
The Government’s business rates multiplier came into force on 1 April. Despite the extension of the High Street Rates Relief Scheme for 2019/20 to support high street businesses, more needs to be done to make the business rates system is fairer for pubs.
CAMRA is, therefore, calling on Welsh Ministers to introduce a permanent pub-specific rate relief to prevent the avoidable loss of community pubs.
CAMRA Director for Wales Chris Charters said: “Pubs are at the heart of local communities across Wales. They act as important social hubs - helping to tackle loneliness and social isolation. Yet many are suffering from unfair business rates which are contributing to well-loved locals being forced to close.
“While schemes like the High Street Rate Relief offer some support for pubs in Wales, it is only a sticking plaster. We need a complete review of the business rates system in Wales to help give pubs a fair deal and save them from closure.”
[1] The Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy) (No. 2) Bill passed all its stages of the Parliamentary process in the House of Commons on 6th March 2019 and will be considered by the House of Lords on 12th March before becoming law. The Bill sets the level of regional domestic and non-domestic (business) rates for the financial year ending 31 March 2020.