Find all the resources CAMRA offers for supporting the pubs serving real cider and perry, and consumers who want to find them! Our definition reflects the latest practices and processes of real cider and perry makers, so you can also find more about what “real” means, and access our comprehensive UK wide producers map.
Download Producer List
Download the most comprehensive list of real cider and perry producers in the UK.

Real Cider and Perry is #NotFromConcentrate
CAMRA defines real Cider or Perry as being fermented from the whole juice of fresh pressed apples or pears, without the use of concentrated or chaptalised juices.
The word ‘chaptalised’ as used in the definition refers to a process where the alcohol level in a cider or perry is increased by the addition of sugar to an unnatural level for storage, before it is diluted with water to the desired alcohol content for sale.
So is it real?
In order to be real, cider and perry should never be concentrated then diluted – either in terms of the juice used, or the alcohol content.
We use #NotFromConcentrate for our online campaigning for real products, and you can find a map and list of producers below.

Cider & Perry Producers Map
View nowReal Cider and Perry at the Pub
Cider lovers can easily identify pubs that serve real cider or perry by keeping an eye out for our “Real Cider & Perry Sold Here” window sticker. Once you’re in at the bar, we also offer pump clips for licensees to use on real products, posters, and leaflets.
If you like to plan ahead then CAMRA’s online pub directory, WhatPub, also lets you filter for pubs that serve real cider and perry.
We promote our “Cider Pub of the Year” every October to showcase the very best pub serving real cider across the country.

Defining real cider & perry
by Alison Taffs
Supporting biodiversity
Did you know that because of the biodiversity found in traditionally managed orchards, they have been designated as ‘priority habitats’ by Government since 2007?
Thousands of plant and animal species – some of which are endangered – can all thrive alongside apple and pear trees, so supporting your local producers supports a whole host of wildlife too.
The higher the juice content of the cider or perry you choose, the more orchards are supported!
More resources
Browse the links below to learn more about the definition and find additional resources for promoting real cider and perry below: