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Beers & Breweries
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Our Awards

CAMRA’s prestigious awards are given to recognise the very best in pubs, clubs, beer and cider. See current champions, learn more about what our awards mean and see how to make nominations.

Champion Beer of Britain
Champion Beer of Britain
Putting the best of British brewing in the national spotlight.
Champion Winter Beer of Britain
Champion Winter Beer of Britain
Get cosy with the best traditional winter brews.
Champion Bottled Beer of Britain
Champion Bottled Beer of Britain
Putting the best of british bottled brewing in the national spotlight
Champion Beer of Scotland
Champion Beer of Scotland
Our award to recognise the best beer in Scotland.
Champion Beer of Wales
Champion Beer of Wales
Our award to recognise the best beer in Wales.
Pub of the Year
Pub of the Year
Showcasing the very best place for a pint.
Champion Home Brewer of the Year
Champion Home Brewer of the Year
Finding the next big thing in beer! First launched at the 2022 Great British Beer Festival, CAMRA’s homebrew competition looks to seek out the best homebrews and highlight the brightest brewers of the future.
Club of the Year
Club of the Year
Run in conjunction with Club Mirror magazine to celebrate clubs with quality real ale.
The Pomona award honours outstanding achievement, commitment, or contribution to the promotion of real cider or perry.
Cider & Perry Pub of the Year
Cider & Perry Pub of the Year
Recognising the best pub or club for quality real cider and perry.
National Cider and Perry Championships
National Cider and Perry Championships
The National Cider and Perry Championship recognises the best cider and perry in the UK.
Pub Saving and Heritage Awards
Pub Saving and Heritage Awards
Recognising people who have come together to save a pub and the revitalisation of heritage pubs.
Club Recognition Award
Club Recognition Award
A brand new award to celebrate and recognise an outstanding achievement in the club industry has been launched.
Campaigner of the Year
Campaigner of the Year
This prestigious award recognises significant contributions to campaigning for real ale, cider, perry, pubs and/or social clubs
Pub Design Award
Pub Design Award
Recognise pub conservation as well as new design.
© Campaign for Real Ale 2023 - 2025 (PHP-8.2-Shared)