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CAMRA closes its Brew2You platform

Release date: May 25, 2023

The Campaign for Real Ale will cease its Brew2You operations from 31 May 2023. 

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, CAMRA launched its Brew2You platform in response to brewers, pubs and consumers who wanted an efficient way to buy real ale, cider and perry from outlets other than supermarkets. Brew2You gave consumers access to live fresh beers throughout the national lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. 

To date, the Brew2You platform has accumulated more than £207k of revenue for suppliers, through a total of 5751 orders. 85% of this revenue was amassed during the lockdown periods when beer lovers were unable to frequent their local for a pint. The support that the service provided for independent brewers and cider makers was paramount in a period of uncertainty for the trade. 

With lockdown restrictions no longer in place, and many UK brewers and cider makers having since developed their own online platforms, enabling consumers to purchase beer and cider directly from the producer, there has been a reduced need for the continued maintenance of Brew2You.  

Sellers and customers were given two months’ notice of the decision to close down Brew2You by 31 May 2023. 

CAMRA national Chairman Nik Antona said: “I am pleased at how successful CAMRA’s Brew2You initiative has been over the past few years, and I would like to thank the public who used the platform to support local suppliers.  

“The pandemic was an age of uncertainty for publicans and the brewers and cider producers who serve them, with its effects still being felt today. Now lockdown restrictions have been lifted, consumers can freely access fantastic real ale, cider and perry by supporting our local pubs, social clubs and taprooms, meaning Brew2You has now served its purpose. 

“Although we have now seen the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the outlook for the trade is far from stable. With government help with energy bills being cut and costs still rocketing, many pubs and social clubs are struggling at this make-or-break time for the licenced trade. That’s why CAMRA is encouraging everyone to support their locals as part of the Summer of Pub campaign, so they can continue to survive and thrive.” 




Notes to editors 

Sales from the platform were at their highest during lockdown. CAMRA is a not-for-profit organisation and as such, 100% of the money paid to the platform was received by partners. From each order, CAMRA would add a 5% service charge which would cover the cost of maintaining the digital platform.

Net CAMRA Surplus (1Y) £23.64 - Note only last 12 months. 

Total Revenue: £207,624 for suppliers 

Total Orders: 5751 


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