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CAMRA responds to the promise of more funding for rural pubs

Release date: March 26, 2019

For further information, contact the press team on or 01727 337863 

Following the Government's announcement that funding will be made available to support rural pubs, please find below a response from the Campaign for Real Ale.

Tom Stainer, CAMRA Chief Executive said: "It is fantastic news that our rural pubs will be provided additional Government funding to fulfil the purpose that many already serve - acting as the hub of the community.

We see some great examples across the country of pubs diversifying their services to provide local amenities that would otherwise be missing from rural areas - such as post offices or library services. To recognise the value in these services and help more pubs meet this need could be a huge boost for struggling rural pubs to continue running.

That being said, the traditional wet-led pub should not be overlooked - whether its in a rural or city centre setting. We'd, therefore, like to see the Government do more to put together a comprehensive package of reform to support all pubs - regardless of where they are located or how they are managed - to help stem the tide of pub closures in all areas."

The original announcement can be found here:

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