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Scottish DRS grace period still needed to avoid catastrophic reduction in consumer choice: CAMRA

Release date: March 01, 2023

Commenting on the publication of Circularity Scotland figures on producers signing up to the Scottish Deposit Return Scheme, CAMRA’s Scottish Director Stuart McMahon said: 

“Bigger producers were always the most likely to sign-up to the Deposit Return Scheme. Consumers will now urgently want to know how many small producers have or haven’t signed up to the scheme. There is still a risk that consumer choice could be catastrophically reduced if smaller producers have not and cannot join the scheme. 

“Small, local and independent producers have been responsible for a boom in choice of quality beer and cider in recent years. These brewers and cider makers across the UK must be able to take part without huge costs or impossible administrative burdens. Otherwise we risk products from smaller producers disappearing from shelves across Scotland come August. 

“We cannot have a situation where only products from the big and multinational brewing companies are still available in Scotland when the Deposit Return Scheme goes live in August. A grace period allowing small producers to continue to sell into the Scottish market is clearly needed.” 


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